Hi, I'm Richie

Software Developer


I am a recent Computer Science Graduate from the University of California Santa Cruz.

Let's work together!


The best way to grow is to do. These are some of the fun things I've built!

Spotify Jamtop

Jamtop is brings the Spotify Jam functionality to desktop. Users can host their own room and listen to along with friends. Join a synchronized playlist where everyone can add their own songs.

Built using Node.js, Javascript, Express, Socket.io and Spotify Api.

View on Github

AI Anime Recommender

Get recommended anime based on your favorite genres or find an anime similar to one you've watched!.

Built using Next.js, CSS, and OpenAI GPT-3 Api.

View on Github

Portfolio Website

My own portfolio website. You're looking at it now!

Built using React and Tailwind CSS.

View on Github

Connect Four

A computer opponent for Connect Four using DFS with a 2-player version.

Built using Python and Pygame.

View on Github

Online Messaging Mobile App

A messaging application that displays, adds, and modifies messages from an online api.

Built 3 times using Kotlin, Swift, and React respectively.

Available Upon Request

Concurrency and Synchronization Demonstration

A demonstration of concepts of computer systems design including:

  • POSIX Systems
  • Concurrency Primatives
  • CPU Scheduling Algorithms
  • Memory Management
  • File Systems and Mass Storage

Available Upon Request


The best way to do is to learn. These are some of the skills I've acquired!

React Icon


Tailwind Icon


Javascript Icon


CSS Icon


Python Icon


Sql Icon


Cpp Icon


Java Icon


Haskell Icon
